The Safe Kids Coalition represents the interests of more than 80,000 children and youth in Clackamas County.

Our Mission

The Safe Kids Coalition for Clackamas County uses a collective impact model to ensure critical services are accessible to children and youth impacted by trauma. 

Our vision is to create a community where the safety and well-being of children  and youth are  a top priority and a shared responsibility.

About Us

Using a collective impact model, the Safe Kids Coalition’s goal is to ensure the critical services, such as providing safety, promoting healing, and improving the well-being of more than 80,000 children in our county, are available and accessible. We work together to:

  • Expand the capacity of Clackamas County community-based nonprofits to provide intervention, support services, and healing for all children and youth experiencing trauma and abuse in our county.

  • Leverage the trust and experience that Clackamas County community-based nonprofits have established in our community.

  • Fortify a robust network of services that work collaboratively to keep children safe.